SNEH - Shanti Niwas Emergency Housing Pilot Project
While working on the Elder Abuse issue, we realized that in the event an elder needed to be re-housed, the mainstream homes would not be suitable. There was no culturally appropriate home and care available to elders for an interim period. Similarly culturally appropriate long-term rehabilitation was absent. This led to us starting an Emergency Hoem which would not only provide emergency accommodation for elderly(above 60 years) of South Asian origin who have been abused, but also who may be at risk of being abused or are in dire need of emergency housing. The cases are self-referred or by police, other NGOs. District Health Board.
The emergency home 'SNEH' reflects the values of safety, care, and love being provided to the elderly. The Shelter is a short-term stay for not more than 3 months at a time, during which, our social workers arrange counselling with family caregivers for their rehabilitation or, advocate with Housing NZ for permanent accommodation on behalf of the clients. Wherever necessary, we roll over the stay of an elderly after three months and take appropriate follow-up action ensuring the safety of the client.
We have partnered with the Ranchhod group who have generously provided us with a two-bedroom apartment unit as a subsidised rent.