Making a Difference

  • Reduces loneliness, social isolation and depression
  • Empowerment which helps seniors to take ownership
  • Raise self-esteem, self-awareness, gain confidence and helps to become independent
  • Opportunity to volunteer Increases a sense of community belonging and self-worth.
  • Enhances quality of health through involvement in physical fitness and nutritional programmes
  • Make friends and speak in their own language, opportunity to participate in activities and share life experiences and cultural values
  • Gain Peace of mind and satisfaction
  • Awareness of health and welfare issues through various educational talks by professionals and services available for their benefit.
  • Awareness of their rights/ entitlements in terms of financial assistance, health and disability complaint procedure etc. which Maximises independence of people with special needs
  • Seniors respected and cultural values are safeguarded enables them to make informed choices/decisions
  • Opportunity to have Indian vegetarian meal